Sunday, November 05, 2006

IHOPs Across the Nation

One of the advantages of eating at "brand familiar" restaurants is consistency. You pretty well know what to expect. Although we often seek out new and different foods and flavors, we frequently go where you already know what is on the menu. On such place is IHOP, the International House of Pancakes. So, this blog will be different in that I will explain what I expect from an IHOP and then amend it over time as I add each IHOP I try and tell how they match up to my ideal of a house of pancakes.

My first remembrance of an International House of Pancakes is from the mid 1950s. It was a new addition in Panorama city in the beginnings of the San Fernando Valley building boom. It was a Sunday treat to go there with Dad for a giant stack of pancakes. It was a tradition that I continued with my own children and they enjoyed going out for a pancake breakfast. It was an economical eat-out treat. I remember there were all kinds of syrups from which to choose. Perhaps a peculiarity or quirk of memory, but I seem to remember that every thing in the restaurant felt sticky with syrup. You could see the waitresses wipe the tables and furnishings with their cloths but the Naugahide seat covers and the especially the menu always felt tacky. I haven’t encountered sticky IHOPs in later years and it makes me wonder sometimes about my memory.

So, what do I expect from an International House of Pancakes? I expect it to be clean and not sticky (that memory thing, again). After all these years, IHOP has to have to have the griddle temperature and the cooking time down pat. I expect the pancakes to be GBD, golden brown and delicious, cooked and golden on the outside and not raw and doughy on the inside. I expect the syrup dispensers to be full, the coffee hot and the carafe kept full. I expect sides for my pancakes to be cooked to order, the eggs cooked through without being crispy, the bacon crisp and not greasy, and all of it served in an attractive and pleasing manner. In short, the same thing you would expect from an IHOP and what you are probably pretty sure you are going to get anyway.

I have of recent had the opportunity to sample IHOPs in two very different locations. The first, on two occasions, near where I live in Alaska. This particular IHOP is within the parking lot of the Home Depot. That makes it very convenient to grab a bite to eat after a long day of shopping for home project materials. Once we made a late afternoon trip into town for materials and sampled the dinner menu. I tried the fried shrimp. The portions were adequate and tasty though it was not the best fried shrimp I have ever eaten. The presentation attractive and the service staff efficient and courteous. It was what I expected and it was what I received.
Some months later, on an early trip into the big town, we had brunch at the IHOP and chose from the breakfast menu. There had been several commercial spots on TV featuring the stuffed French toast and the wife was anxious to try them. For breakfast I usually go for the eggs, hash browns, bacon and toast. Both dishes were served in a prompt and courtious manner. The plates were attractive and the taste was good and the portions adequate. Again, it was expected and it was what was delivered.

It is retirement time and we are on the road. We met up with some old family friends for breakfast. Yep! You guessed it. We went to the IHOP. Only this one is in Pigeon Gorge, Tennessee. It is just a block or two from Dollywood. It looks, smells and feels like an IHOP with one exception. In keeping with the touristy and commercial character that has beset the once quiet community, the entrance and exit from the restaurant is through their little gift shop where you can but trinkets to celebrate your visit to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinberg (great shades of Tennessee Tuxedo). There are even a few items that are IHOP specific. Other than the gft shop vestibule, the remainder of the restaurant is strictly IHOP. It has the same coffee carafes, the same syrup pitchers and basically the same menu. We all ordered different items form the menu and ran the gamut from eggs and bacon to strawberry and banana pancakes.

It was a reunion and the talk was fast and the questions many. The food disappeared in a flash and there were no complaints. I didn’t, as I usually do with guests, ask for a critique of the food but I sensed that they were satisfied and they had, just as we did, received what we expected, all in a timely manner and by a courteous serving staff, and the table wasn’t sticky.

It has been my experience that IHOP is consistent from restaurant to restaurant and the food quality is good, and the service usually very good. If you are in the mood and an IHOP is near, I suggest you satisfy your craving for some pancakes. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

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